Mikan Tsumiki

Super Highschool Level Health Care Commitee in Japanese, however official Japanese merchandise often designates her as 'Nurse'. The English translation by NIS mistranslates Super Highschool Level to 'Ulitimate', giving us 'Ultimate Nurse' in thier version. In the original Japanese version, Hope's Peak students are not the very best ever in the entire world at thier field (as the word 'ultimate' may falsely imply), but rather the best highschool student in the field.

approx. 19 or 20 in the DR3 anime, which follows that Mikan believes that she is still around 18 during SDR2. Students typically enter Hope's Peak for their last year of high school, making it more of a pre-collge of sorts than a true high school as we understand it (if this particular bit of anime logic throws you more than the other anime logic running though this series idk what to tell you). As it is canon that the DR1 cast had been attending the school for two years prior to the Tragedy, and the SDR2 cast was one year ahead of them, Mikan has been attending Hope's Peak for three years. This means that during SDR2 she is, in fact, as much as 22 years old.

May 12, International Nurse's Day. You'll find that most of the birthdates in the series have some meaning behind them.

Back story and personality:
Mikan grew up suffering abuse both a home and school. This trauma caused her to equate negative attention with friendship/love, believing that any form of attention is better than none, and that being ignored means that a person either dislikes her or at the very least is indifferent. Due to her own feelings of weakness and helplessness, she became in nurse an attempt to grasp at self-confidence, as caring for patients allows her to be relied on by those weaker than herself. At Hope's Peak, due to her Japanese talent title, we know that she is a part of the school health care commitee. As such, despite her generally nervous personality, she can take charge when it comes to the world of medicine

Upon entering Hope's Peak, the bullying continued (at least verbally), mainly at the hands of Hiyoko Saionji, who was a part of her friend group. However, Mikan did make true friends while attending Hope's Peak, in the form of Ibuki, Satou, and Mahiru. The rest of her class seemed to be friendly with her as well. It's unclear if her injuries (hidden beneath bandages) during this time were sustained due to bullies from another class, or due her habit of falling down for attention. It is comfirmed through the artbook however, that her strange haircut is due to bullies cutting her hair.
During her time on the island in SD2, Mikan was quite happy, compared to her life before arriving there. Quickly, she came to enjoy the fact that no one was harming her and the fact that the small group relied on her as their sole medical expert.